Hello Friends

As most of the country is suffering with the high heat, we’ve been getting nothing but rain with a few sunny days sprinkled in between the raindrops. I think summer is over for us until next year hopefully we will get warmer weather in September. Everything is waterlogged and even my pear tree didn’t have one pear on it, I think because it had too much rain.

For some reason, we have a lot of coyotes this year we see them in the horse field almost every night. They look healthy, but I don’t like them watching the horses. There’s nothing I can do about it though.

I am thinking we may have a lot of snow this year. If it follows the rain pattern, and with all the acorns that are on the ground but I’m not going to worry about that yet!

Stay safe-

Summer is finally here!

Although it’s been a very rainy season the flowers and trees are loving it! I have more weeds than ever before. My wise old friend told me that weeds are flowers and are just in the early stages of become something beautiful and I am sticking with that story.

The flowers are abundant with no rhyme or reason! I have to have over 500 hostas’s growing in and around the property. They are pretty but they run wild. Every year I say I’m going to dig them up and give them all away but then it just gets too much and I let them grow and multiply.

I did start a new job which has taken up all my time and it’s not going as well as I thought it would so I thought I’d just get back to doing what I enjoy the most, and not to worry about my job-maybe if I’m not so stressed things will go better.

Just a quick update on Chloe, she did move over to rainbow bridge. The broken leg was just too much for her, it was very sad because she was only 15 years old and a good mini horse.


Hello Friends-

Chloe, the mini horse, had gotten kicked the other day by one of the horses that her mother owns.

The vet came up and took a few x-rays of her hind leg and it was severely broken. The knee cap was out of place and it was broken in several places.

The good news is that she doesn’t have to be put down because of her weight and small size. He did say if this was a full size horse the poor thing would have been put down. He put a cast on her last night and she will have to stay in the stall for four months. She was stressed earlier today but better tonight.

I feel so bad for her but she should recover well and will probably have some arthritis.

It was a beautiful very early spring day yesterday and today and tonight it was snowing! Only in New England!

Enjoy your weekend-

Happy Valentine’s day ❤️

I saw my two swans the other day back in the river. What is more fitting on Valentine’s Day at the farm, than having a photo of the swans that usually will mate for life! I wonder what their secret is to having someone who wants to stay with you forever. Casey the springer says he’ll stay as long as he gets his daily treats and belly rubs!

Happy Valentine’s day❤️

Little Svin

Hello Friends,

It’s been a minute since I’ve been around. But the good news of the story is that Sven arrived and is doing great! He’s very rambunctious, but situation we are dealing with is the biting everything he comes in contact with. He’s pretty much paper trained which is super nice! He’s just a little guy maybe 3lbs now so it’s too cold most days for him to go outside.

Living in New England, it should be cold in February but it’s been somewhat warm. I had a chance to bring Svin outside when it was 50 degrees and he loved it. Pepper plays a little to rough and Casey the Springer doesn’t really enjoy him to much but he is getting better.

I do hope we get no more snow this winter. It just makes farm life way easier!