The patriotic poodle

Hey there friends, in celebration of the long holiday weekend my Mom did nothing exciting. Which in her mind is sometimes nice! A nice quiet weekend at home.

After a visit to the vet and finding out Casey has Lyme disease again, he’s on a diet. He has gained 20 pounds over the last two years. So instead of dog bones he now gets carrots! I’m sure Mr Roosevelt would have a fit if he knew Casey is eating his supply of carrots! He seems to love them where I do not, poodles should be getting steak bones, not that awful tasting orange stick.

Way overgrown but still pretty! My thoughts and prayers are going out to the people who were at the parade in Highland Park trying to enjoy there day. This is not the America I know and love.

7 thoughts on “The patriotic poodle

  1. Lulu: “I like carrots too! And I also like the thick bottoms of the leaves of lettuce that Dada snaps off and tosses to me.”
    Java Bean: “You’re weird.”
    Lulu: “That was awful news about the parade in Highland Park. If only we could have one weekend when nothing like that happens …”

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